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Download Scientific Articles

The Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS): Theory, Background, and Introduction

Len Ochs, PhD

This article by OCHS Labs discusses the Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS). The LENS is a type of neurofeedback that uses weak electromagnetic signals to help reorganize brain physiology. It is different from traditional neurofeedback, which only displays information on a computer screen to assist the patient in conditioning healthier brainwave patterns. The LENS has been used to help a variety of conditions, including traumatic brain injury, fibromyalgia, and autism. The article also discusses the history of the LENS, as well as some suggestions for future research and practical application of the LENS technology.

Neurofeedback · LENS Neurofeedback · OCHS Labs · TBI · Fibromyalgia · Autism

Evaluation of Neurofeedback Learning in Patients with ADHD: A Systematic Review

by Elizaveta Kuznetsova • Antti Veikko Petteri Veilahti • Ruhoollah Akhundzadeh • Stefan Radev • Lilian Konicar • Benjamin Ultan Cowley

This is a study about a systematic review of the literature on neurofeedback (NFB) learning in patients with ADHD.  The study found that very few clinical trial reports have dealt with the heterogeneity of NFB learning, nor analyzed whether NFB efficacy is dependent on NFB learning. The authors suggest that future research should focus on finding reliable ways of identifying the performers and studying participants’ individual learning trajectories as it might enhance prognosis and the allocation of clinical resources.

Neurofeedback · Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder · ADHD · Learning · Learning variability

Practitioner Perspectives of Neurofeedback Therapy for Mental Health and Physiological Disorders

Jonathon E. Larson, EdD, MS, LCPC, CRC • Catherine B. Ryan • Mogens B. Baerentzen, MS

This article is about a study that explored practitioner perspectives of neurofeedback therapy (NFT) for mental health and physiological disorders. The study used online surveys to gather information from 71 practitioners on the advantages, disadvantages, practitioner characteristics, and essential components of NFT. The results provided five conceptual frameworks: advantages, disadvantages, knowledge, skills, and traits. The study found that NFT is effective in improving health conditions and enhancing quality of life, but there are also challenges such as the complexity of NFT and financial issues. The authors suggest that future research should focus on finding reliable ways to identify and measure practitioner knowledge, skills, and traits, and to investigate the influence of these factors on NFT outcomes.

Neurofeedback · Mental Health · Physiological Disorders · Improving Health and Quality of Life

The LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System): A Clinical Outcomes Study on One Hundred Patients at Stone Mountain Center, New York

Stephen Larsen, PhD • Kristen Harrington, MA • Susan Hicks, BA

A study by Larsen et al. (2006) investigated the effectiveness of Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) approach to reducing symptoms across a variety of disorders. The study included 100 patients ranging in age from 6 to 80, with a majority between 11 and 60, and an even distribution of males and females. The patients received LENS Neurofeedback, with most receiving weekly sessions, and some receiving twice-weekly or monthly sessions.

Neurofeedback · LENS · Symptom Relief · Anxiety · Mood Disturbance · Fatigue · Focus · Sleep Problems · Pain

Neurofeedback Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome and Periodic Leg Movements in Sleep

D Corydon Hammond, PhD, ECNS, QEEG-D, BCIA-EEG

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) and periodic limb movements in sleep (PLMS) are prevalent and chronic movement disorders that result in sleep deprivation and impaired quality of life. Although there is no single pathophysiological explanation, EEG studies commonly implicate alpha activity as being involved. This article presents the first case reports of Neurofeedback for RLS and PLMS with neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback). The encouraging results warrant further controlled research.

Neurofeedback · LENS · Symptom Relief · Restless Legs Syndrome · Physiological Health

LENS Neurofeedback Treatment of Anger: Preliminary Reports

D Corydon Hammond, PhD, ECNS, QEEG-D, BCIA-EEG

Hammond (2010) presents two case studies of LENS neurofeedback help for anger. The first case involves an 18-year-old male with a history of head injuries and anger problems. The second case involves a 30-year-old male with a history of head injuries and chronic anger. Both patients were receiving LENS neurofeedback and both reported significant improvements in their anger. The author concludes that LENS neurofeedback may be a promising approach to reducing anger, and that further research is warranted.

Neurofeedback · LENS · Symptom Relief · Anger · Head Injury

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